More Articles Published in the Meantime

Since my last blog post—there haven’t been any lately due to my workload—several articles have been published in German Java magazines:

  • “Effektiv, effizient und sicher – Theorie und Praxis von Zufallszahlengeneratoren” (“Effective, Efficient, and Safe—Theory and Practice of Random Number Generators”): This article, published in JavaSPEKTRUM, issue 2/2019, covers the dilemma of computers producing random numbers even though they are pure deterministic machines. Once the problem behind random number generation is understood, the reader can make better choices when it comes to the application of the different types of pseudorandom number generators (PRNGs).

    SIGS DATACOM, the publisher behind JavaSPEKTRUM, has made the article available to the public for free download:

  • “Warum künstliche Intelligenz so schwierig ist – Einführung in die Komplexität von Algorithmen” (“Why Artificial Intelligence is so Difficult—Introduction to Algorithmic Complexity”): My latest article, published in JavaSPEKTRUM, issue 3/2019, gives an introduction to the theory of algorithmic complexity and demonstrates how the theoretical limits of computability can be reached faster than one might think, even for apparently simple problems. It then transfers this insight to the topic of artificial intelligence and explains why in order to achieve “real” intelligence, there is still a very long way to go.

    JavaSPEKTRUM can be bought at magazine shops or read or ordered online at the publisher’s website:

  • “Deep-Dive into Annotations”: The second part of my three-part article series has been published in JAVAPRO, issue 1/2019. It covers the way of creating own annotations including all their relevant properties.

    JAVAPRO can be downloaded electronically or be delivered physically free of charge within Germany—just after registering at:

  • “Eine moderne und konsistente Implementierung natürlicher Ordnung bei Java-Objekten”: Starting with issue 03/2019, Java aktuell has published a German translation of my original English blog post “A New and Consistent Way of Implementing Order for Comparable Java Objects”.

    Please see the publisher’s website on how and where to buy or download Java aktuell:

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